Acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic method, based on inserting needles in certain parts of the body. It flourished in China around 2700 B.C. and is still performed there, along with herbal treatment, as part of traditional Chinese medicine. According to the legend, Hong Ti, known also as the Yellow Emperor, mapped the acupuncture meridians and body spots.

‘Western medicine’, although late to acknowledge acupuncture as an accepted medical application, slowly imported its therapeutic protocols in its everyday practises. An important scientific research is being conducted in order to study the real acupuncture therapeutic results and understand the way it acts on the human body.


The following conditions are undertaken:

  • -Dysmenorrheal pain
  • -PMS
  • -Menopausal symptoms
  • -Boosting of IVF protocols
  • -Headaches
  • -Lumbago, sciatic nerve pain
  • -Neck pain
  • -Smoking cessation
  • -Cancer pains
  • -Post-surgery pain
  • -Kidney colic
  • -Athletic injuries


In gynaecology, acupuncture is used to treat dysmenorrhea, pre-menstrual syndrome, menstrual cycle adjustment, and the unpleasant menopause symptoms.

In obstetrics, acupuncture can be applied to induce delivery and to relieve pain during childbirth.

Finally, different acupuncture protocols have been used to enhance IVF results, with encouraging results.

The article titled ‘Acupuncture application in female subfertility and summary of recent studies on acupuncture and embryo transfer’ suggests that:

  • – The use of acupuncture in female infertility has increased in popularity
  • – Acupuncture appears to have some effect on uterine and ovarian blood flow.
  • – Acupuncture has been successfully used as an analgesic method during oocyte retrieval.
  • – Acupuncture may modify the endocrine and metabolic disturbances in polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • – Acupuncture appears to have a positive effect and no adverse effects on pregnancy outcome, although the data are rather heterogenous.

ACUPUNCTURE IN MEDICINE 2006:24(4); 157-163

Elizabeth Stener-Victorin (associate professor, Sweden), Peter Humaidan (clinical director, Denmark).